Certified Medium | Psychic | Spiritual Coach | Energy Healer

Connect to higher consciousness.
Michelle invites you to participate in a sacred, special experience where Spirit communicates out of love for you.

Mediumship - a beautiful way to connect with departed loved ones
When our loved ones cross over, it can leave many unanswered questions and unresolved feelings. Michelle helps you heal and find peace by teaching you how to reconnect with loved ones who have transitioned. She strives to give you the highest and best evidence possible that your loved ones are eternally connected with you and have a keen interest in being an integral part of guiding you to your fullest potential during your physical experience. Validation comes through in a variety of ways such as names, dates, detailed descriptions of places and events that took place in the person's life that are relevant to you. Michelle does individual, family and group readings.
Spiritual Coaching - guidance and insight to your unanswered questions
Michelle will connect with your higher self, angels and guides to help you on your path to self-discovery, happiness, and love. Michelle's goal is always to empower you to make your best choices whether you are going through a divorce, contemplating a career change or simply looking for insight into your life's purpose. Michelle helps you identify and remove non-beneficial energy that may be blocking you from getting what you want. Work through past issues and events and learn how to create the ideal future

Healing energy work - restore physical mental and emotional balance
When the non-physical energy which creates and maintains a balanced and healthy body, spirit and world is blocked, there is an imbalance that often creates disease. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body's inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated. Work with Michelle to align and balance mind, body, and emotions supporting the body’s natural healing abilities. One of the major principles of energy healing is that prevention is better than a cure so it's important to keep you vital, healthy and sound of mind, as this can help you to avoid illness.
Understanding Near Death Experiences (NDE) - how dying teaches us about living
Belief in an afterlife comes much easier to some people than others. Death, so far beyond our intellectual comprehension, requires that we engage our souls. Michelle has experienced 3 NDEs in the span of 11 years. This makes her the perfect guide to help you explore how these experiences show us that there is far more to life than can be measured or studied from the narrow perspectives of our present, limited experience of it. For Michelle, her NDEs are a reminder of an unconditional love and connection that surpasses our earthly life.

Home clearing - fill your home with positive and joyful energy
The energy in and around your home has an extremely powerful effect on your well being. There may be a general sense of unease or unhappiness in your home or you may be moving to a new space and want to make sure you are starting with a clean slate- energy-wise. Work with Michelle to clear any unwanted negativity and replace it with light, love and positivity. Doing such a clearing on a regular basis will keep your home or office space healthy and productive!
Remote viewing - moving beyond our perceptions to gain new truths
There is a world of information available to us – ‘universal intelligence.’ Remote viewing allows Michelle to get accurate information about a distant place, person or event without using her physical senses or any other obvious means. This means Michelle can spontaneously “see” things without the use of her eyes.

Create a sacred space in your home - keep connected with your true spirit self
Whether it's a place to remember your loved ones, to count your blessings or to remind you of what peace and beauty there is to be found in nature, having a sacred space in your home can leave you nourished, inspired and re-energized. Michelle will work with you to clear any negative energy from your space and then help you set up a healing sphere that is pure, holy and safe. ​