Each animal has its own individual soul and anyone who has been connected with an animal in their life can see that there are billions of animals in this world but each one has its own personality. They all have their own characteristics and mannerisms, we learn to love them for who they are.
Personally, I had a shared death experience with my German Shepherd, Maya. After a long, full, happy life Maya had become very sick and I made the extremely difficult and impossible decision to have her euthanized.
I cried and sobbed as I sat and the floor holding Maya as the vet administered euthanasia. In that moment, I felt Maya’s soul gently disconnect from her body and I heard my mother say to me, “I have her now,” about 30 seconds later the vet confirmed that Maya had crossed over. In the moment I was not trying to be a medium, I was just a human being losing her beloved companion who was her best friend.
If I had not been able to hold Maya and help her “graduate” this life, there is no one I would have wanted to have her more than my mother. It’s comforting to know that the two of them are together experiencing peace and joy. I look forward to the day Maya greets me on the other side and I can assure you that your animal friend will meet you in heaven.
Schedule a reading with Michelle Clare and keep up to date with Michelle’s latest news on Facebook and Instagram. Learn more about mediumship, spirit, connecting with loved ones and various other topics by reading the Always In The Light Blog, posted on Mondays.
"every creature is a divine word because it proclaims God" Hi Michelle Clare. We used this for years as part of our blessing of the animals festival at the Franciscan Renewal Center. The theology of St. Bonaventure has been a source of wisdom for me in my experience of working alongside the Franciscans for 24 years. I appreciate your work and for some reason connected to your profile when awoken from my sleep last night. Be well. Charlie Brown 🌻